Payette Lakes Ski Club is hiring a Program Director!
To apply contact Colby Nielsen, PLSC Executive Director
Little Ski Hill is Van and Bus Drivers!
LSH is hiring van and bus drivers for our 2025 After School Program! Van drivers need to have a clan driving record. Bus drivers need to have a Class C drivers license. If you are interested in applying for either of these positions, please reach out to Colby Nielsen.
To apply contact Colby Nielsen, PLSC Executive Director
Little Ski Hill is hiring Lift Operators & Park Crew for our 2024 – 2025 Winter Season!
Want to rip the slopes all morning and then come to work in the afternoon? Then join the Little Ski Hill family this winter.
To apply contact Preston Woods, Little Ski Hill Mountain Operations
Little Ski Hill is hiring Kitchen & Lodge Staff!
Want to rip the slopes all morning and then come to work in the afternoon? Then join the Little Ski Hill family this winter.
To apply contact Leslie McCoy, Little Ski Hill Lodge Operations